Skills Transfer and Business Hub

The Skills Transference Centre and Business Hub aims to kickstart and accelerate autistic people’s entry into the formal economy. The Centre currently includes a modified workspace providing reasonable accommodation through the provision of self regulatory/calming or downtime space; supervised, visual work schedules; skills assessment and training from an experienced Occupational Therapist and an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Specialist; facilitators to provide expertise and skills transfer, and a work-integrated learning environment for ease of movement into the market place and maximum skills development. Twelve young adults are currently enrolled, and the programm is run by Mangager Ashvir Dalu.

Board of Management:

  • Dr Gugu Mchunu - Academic and Head of Nursing at UKZN (Chair)
  • Dr Ismail Moola - Psychiatrist
  • Liza Aziz - Action in Autism Chairperson and the mother of a young autistic adult
  • Kirsten Miller - Director of the Action in Autism Centre
  • Thev Gurayah - Occupational Therapist and Lecturer at UKZN
  • Chris Sparks - Library Assistant and Autistic Representative
  • Douglas Gounden - Special Education Specialist and the father of an autistic adult
  • Willene Holness - Law Lecturer, Disability Specialist
  • Nombulelo Yeni - Department of Education Educational Specialist

A coffee shop and retail space created from modified containers to provide on-site, hands-on skills and work experience is scheduled for 2022.

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