2018 AGM

The Action in Autism AGM will take place on Saturday 8 September 2018 from 2pm to 3.30pm at the Action in Autism Centre, 105 Haig Road, Parkhill, Durban North.To have a voice is to have a choice - we invite you to come and use your voice to elect the EXCO committee for the forth-coming year.

Action in Autism Centre Opening

Join us for our new Centre Official Opening on Saturday 21 July. Reserve the date and watch this space for further details!

Educators' Forum: Tuesday 24 April

Action in Autism's next Educators Forum will take place on Tuesday 24 April at the Action in Autism Centre, 105 Haig Road, Park Hill in Durban North, from 1pm to 2.30pm.
Educational Psychologist Sabashnie Govender will do a follow-up presentation from her talk last year on assessments - as requested by those who attended that session. The title of this session is "Examples and Workshopping of Classroom Activities based on Cognitive Assessment Tasks."
Please join us! R30 per educator at the door - please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 031 5633 039.

Support Group Meeting 17 March

The next Support Group meeting will take place on Saturday 17 March from 2pm to 4pm at the Action in Autism Centre at 105 Haig Road, Park Hill in Durban North. Occupational Therapist Meg Whitelaw from Interface will present a session on Augmentative and Alternative Communication for people with little or no functional speech. Please bring a plate to share.


Support Group 17 February 2018


The next Support Group meeting will take place on Saturday 17 February from 2pm to 4pm at our new Centre at 105 Haig Road, Park Hill in Durban North. Speech and Language Therapist Stacey Hope will present a session on Language Facilitation Strategies for ASD. Please bring a plate to share.




Support Group Meeting 28 October

The next Support Group Meeting will take place on Saturday 28 October from 2pm to 4pm at the Action in Autism Centre, 74 Keal Road, Durban. Occupational Therapist and UKZN lecturer Debbie Fewster and Paediatric Neurologist Dr Vasantha Govender will each present their highlights of and best take-aways from the recent 19th Congress of the South African Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (SA-ACAPAP), held in Stellenbosch in September. Join us for what promises to be an extremely informative discussion on the most up-to-date research and information. Please RSVP to031 207 4858, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and bring a plate to share.

Support Group Meeting 16 September

Our 16 September meeting will take place at the Action in Autism Centre, 74 Keal Road, Sydenham, Durban. Liza Aziz and Melissa Naude will speak on Helping Your Child Through His Autistic Meltdown. The meeting will take place from 2pm to 4pm, please RSVP to 031 207 4858/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or bring a plate to share.

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