Engagement with SASSA

Join us on 8 June for an engagement with SASSA regarding accessing a care dependency grant for your child or dependent. This Support Group meeting will take place at the Action in Autism Centre, 105 Haig Road, from 2pm to 4pm. Bring a plate to share! RSVP to 031 563 3039.

Educators Forum: Monday 3 June

Speech-Language Therapist Zwakele Dumakude will present at our next Educators Forum on Accessing the Curriculum using AAC. Zwakele has worked at Isiphosethu Special School in Gauteng, at Ethembeni School for the Physically Challenged, and at Interface KZN as an augmentative and alternative communication practitioner because of her love of assisting individuals with complex communication needs. The forum will take place on Monday 3 June, from 1pm to 2.30pm at the Action in Autism Centre, 105 Haig Road, Parkhill. R30 at the door. All Educators welcome! RSVP: 031 563 3039/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

SARS Engagement: 10 May 2019

A reminder of the meeting tomorrow, Friday 10 May, with SARS representatives, who will engage with parents and answer questions relating to claiming for your autistic child or dependent on your tax return. All welcome! The meeting will take place at 105 Haig Road, Parkhill, from 2pm to 4pm. You are invited to bring a plate to share. RSVP: 031 563 3039/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Autism Acceptance Month


April is World Autism Acceptance Month 


2 April:          World Autism Day

6 April:          Free Diagnostic Clinic (from 9am), Action in Autism Centre

6 April:          Pizza and Paint Morning (9am – 12am), Action in Autism Centre. You are invited to bring a pizza to share.

6 April:          Group counselling sessions for parents in crisis with psychologist Nazia Iram Osman (8.30 - 10am), Action in Autism Centre

13 April:        Group counselling sessions for parents in crisis with psychologist Nazia Iram Osman (8.30 - 10am).

13 April:        Silent Walk from the Sunken Gardens to the Suncoast Lawns, using signing, gesture, writing, typing, tapping and pointing and drawing to show acknowledgement to people with little or no functional speech. Speaking is not the only form of communication. To commence at 11am.  

20 April:        Group counselling sessions for parents in crisis with psychologist Nazia Iram Osman (8.30 - 10am)

Please call 031 563 3039 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to RSVP for any of the above events.


Support Group Meeting 1 March 2019

SARS Engagement: Claiming Expenses for your Autistic Child/Dependent on your Tax Return

Friday 1 March, 2pm - 4pm, the Action in Autism Centre, 105 Haig Road, Parkhill

RSVP: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All welcome - bring a plate to share!

Support Group Meeting: 2 February 2019

Join us at our  to our first Support Group Meeting for the year on Saturday 2 February 2019, where Occupational Therapist Aneesa Moosa will address the group on Recognising and Supporting My Child's Sensory Needs. The meeting will begin at 2pm at the Action in Autism Centre, 105 Haig Road, Parkhill, Durban North. Bring a plate to share. Please RSVP to 031 563 3039/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Meeting: Proposed Skills Training and Business Centre

We invite all interested Stakeholders to a meeting to input into the proposed Action in Autism Adult Skills Training and Business Centre. The meeting will be held on Saturday 24 November from 10am to 11.30am at the AiA Centre, 105 Haig Road, Parkhill, Durban North. We would particularly welcome input from autistic adults and their parents. Please join us! RSVP your attendance to 031 563 3039/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Educators Forum

Our next Educators Forum is all about Taking Care of the Carer: learn holistic techniques and strategies including aromatherapy and therapeutic massage for taking care of yourself and others, by practitioner Meera Patel. This session will take place at the Action in Autism Centre, 105 Haig Road, on Wednesday 21 November, from 1pm to 2.30pm. We're looking forward to seeing you there. Please RSVP to Nkanyiso or Sabashnie on 031 563 3039, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

AGM Rescheduled

The AGM has been rescheduled to Saturday 29 September 2018, at 10am. The meeting will take place at 105 Haig Road, Parkhill, Durban North. Please support your constituency and ensure the continuation of the organisation by casting your vote for our next EXCO. Nominations of a proxy are welcome.

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